Wednesday, July 28, 2010

belongings ~

At this stage of my life, I find that when I go somewhere I often leave a trail…meaning…I can trace where I have been by what I have left behind…my son's baseball cleats at Garrett's house, my daughter's bathing suit at my sister-in-law's pool (since last summer), my sunglasses in the dressing room, my daughter’s sippy cup in the grocery cart, and my brain in last year!!! And I am ever so delighted when someone brings my “belonging” to me when they see me next or their next convenience. I am even more pleased when I call to go by and get the cleats before baseball practice and they know exactly where they are. I also know the disappointment I feel when my daughters bathing suit is lost among the 20 other bathing suits at my sister-in-laws house (she has two daughters too) so this loss is understandable and my fault, but it's still a hassle! Soooooo what am I getting at….pass on the love!!!!!

When others leave anything from a single stinky sock to a laptop, do your best to set it apart form the rest of the “black hole” that can sometimes happen to our homes and return it to them…OR put it in a safe place until they can retrieve it….yes…even if it is a single sock!

Here is how it works ~

1. Consider it worthy!!! - Anytime you find a belonging that is not your family’s, anything you borrow, anything your child borrows…or just something you found that you really want to give to someone…pictures, magazine articles, newspaper clippings, etc…consider it worthy…yes, even that stained baby bib that you found between the couch cushions will wash and can be returned!!!

2. Respect it!!! – Once you find it, clean it up. If it is a casserole dish, sippy cup, bathing suit, single sock, baby bib, pool towel, etc. wash it and have it ready to return.

3. Store it!!! – Then, put it all in one safe place. I have a closet by our front door where I keep everything that does not belong to our house…HOLD ON!!!…I will go there now and tell you what is there awaiting proper return...ok…I am back…a baby bib, my girlfriends flip-flops, a dress that my daughter borrowed, some goggles, two books (also borrowed), some formula that came as a sample in the mail, and a DVD are all in that closet awaiting return!

4. Remember & Return it!!! is the hard part, perhaps, if it's something important, like a winter jacket, or a phone, they will call to retrieve it, and you will have it ready and waiting in the “front door closet.” But perhaps, they have no idea where that new expensive super-strawed sippy cup went!!! The next time you get together with your friends, check the closet…before playgroup, church, a birthday party, bible study, lunch out, etc…you will be amazed at how many times I have run to the closet and grabbed something to return and the person says… “I have been wondering where this was!!!!” Or when you have people over, you just check the closet beforehand, and set out anything that belongs to those coming over!!! You will feel so organized and respectful of others belongings!!!

It is simple…
1. Keep it
2. Clean it
3. Store it
4. Remember and return it!

I have found, even if it is a single sock...a little consideration goes a long way!

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